Sculptures, pottery, paintings, and drawings on my living room fireplace mantle.
Left to Right:
Sculptural Teapot Woman blog.danielharrismusic.com/recent-ceramic-piece/
Flagon blog.danielharrismusic.com/fully-fired-flagon/
Sculptural Teapot Sculptural Teapot blog.danielharrismusic.com/porcelain-teapot/
Three Masted Bark flic.kr/p/2ey7Xnq
Flight flic.kr/p/RTMzi2
The Cry flic.kr/p/2hRqBVb
Solitude flic.kr/p/2g9gyS4
Dragon flic.kr/p/2g9K89c
Last Man Standing flic.kr/p/2fFvbAJ
Achilles flic.kr/p/258pnxi
Gryphon Teapot flic.kr/p/2n6mbr4
The Cry Bronze blog.danielharrismusic.com/the-cry/
Against the Wall
Flagon Paint Schema (not posted)
Swimming Dragon Paint Schema flic.kr/p/2kAoqea
Swimming Dragon flic.kr/p/2nAzf6u