Self Portrait 20230813

One of my favorite Van Gogh paintings.
My porcelain maquette for a 25-foot sculpture, Heart of Thorns, was damaged while in transit to my January solo gallery exhibit. The base was damaged in many places when it fell on a concrete driveway. I repaired it using the Japanese Kintsugi method, which does not hide the cracks but accentuates them with gold bands. The top now sits amongst the monoliths in my zen garden.
Here is a link to the original unbroken “Heart of Thorns.”
My porcelain maquette for a 25-foot sculpture, Heart of Thorns, was damaged while in transit to my January solo gallery exhibit. It stands alone without its base. I could not repair the lost and damaged thorns, but I added a new jeweled top from my wife’s discarded costume earrings. I put it among the “monoliths” in my zen garden. I hope the local wildlife will not destroy it. Raccoons, opossums, squirrels, and the many birds that bathe and drink in my fountain may find it irresistible to use as a scratching post or playtoy.
This is the second movement of my Symphony of Extensions 1998 for bass clarinet controlling a MAX program driving a Kurtzweil 2500 synthesizer and a Prophet 2002. All sounds are initiated by my bass clarinet.